Los Angeles Mongrel Global Rugby League Network

We're thrilled to unveil a groundbreaking initiative that is set to revolutionize the world of rugby league – the Los Angeles Mongrel Global Rugby League Network. At its core, our mission is simple yet ambitious: to unite teams and organizations from every corner of the globe, fostering improved communication, building pathways, and ultimately, showcasing the diverse talent that exists within the rugby league community worldwide.

Through our no-cost program, teams will have the opportunity to join forces with like-minded enthusiasts, gaining access to a wealth of resources, support, and invaluable networking opportunities. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a burgeoning talent, our platform is designed to empower players, coaches, and administrators alike, facilitating collaboration and growth on an unprecedented scale.

Furthermore, our commitment to amplifying the voices of teams and players extends beyond our digital borders. Partnering with us means more than just joining a network – it's about sharing your journey, celebrating your successes, and collectively shaping the future of rugby league. Stay tuned for updates from our partners, showcased on our website and social media channels, as we embark on this thrilling journey together. Join us in building a global community where every player has the opportunity to shine. Welcome to the Los Angeles Mongrel Rugby League Global Network – where the world of rugby comes together as one.

Accra Majestics Partnership

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Los Angeles Mongrel Global Rugby League Network with our inaugural team partners Accra Majestics hailing from Ghana!


Vegas 9s Draw Announced


Training January 24th